Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Waiting Game

I know that the waiting game isn't a REAL game, per say, but I'm still getting pretty bored of it. I'm anxiously awaiting the Black Friday sales so that I can keep my holiday spending budget friendly. With every passing second, however, I'm getting more and more freaked out about the gifts not getting delivered on time. I'm calm...I'm calm, it's all good I'M FREAKING OUT HERE. I have the patience of a tiny puppy waiting for play time. I've been trying to keep myself occupied but I think time has stopped all together. If you're out there and you are the controler of time, please stop this insanity.

On a less insane note, see the tights pictured above? They just arrived today! I'm naming each little moose. Does anyone have some classy moose-y names? Not Maurice or Bullwinkle, those are taken. Anyway, I think I might just leave them on until they rot off. They're so comfy. They actually feel similar to pajama pants, but you can wear them in public without falling victim to social ridicule.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday!

Hugs and poops,


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