Sunday, 17 February 2013

Jamaica Envy And Comfy Pillows

Remember the other day when I mentioned that the rest of my family was going to Jamaica? Well, that's where they are right now and I couldn't be more jealous.

Most of this week I've been feeling really under the weather. Yesterday I was suposed to go see one of my best friends take part in an art show, but I ended up in bed all day instead. There really is nothing like a comfy pillow and a warm bed when you're not feeling well.

This weekend has been pure laziness on my part. I'll put more effort into doing outfit posts this week. I'd love some feedback about what you guys like to read about. It would really help me put the blog in a good direction, and make me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

Time to go finish off a can of Quality Street Chocolates and snuggle with my pups!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!

Hugs and poops,



  1. wish you could have made the trip with

  2. Feel better soon!! xoxooxox
