Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Weekend Review

This weekend was crazy hot! Boyfriend and I went out for ice cream almost every day (I know, not the healthiest choice), and the ice cream was basically melting before we could eat it! In an attempt to cool Oz and Holly down we went for a little hike into Pippy Park - where there is a place for them to swim. After that we got them some doggy ice cream. They seemed pretty happy, and I now know what it feels like to be covered in peanut butter frozen yogourt.

How was your weekend?

Hugs and poops,



  1. I love Settlers :( can I play sometime?

    1. Of course! I don't own it, so I only play when Ryder and Claudia pop over, but if we know in advance sometime I'll give you a heads up!

  2. Ice cream for dogs? That's a thing? Where did you get it?

    1. It is! I got some at Pet Planet next to the Village, but you can get it at a few other places as well :)

  3. Is it already frozen when you buy it?

  4. Awww, too bad! I don't know why I thought they would be unfrozen, but I was hoping they'd be like freezies so I could buy some and give them to my (friend's) dogs when I go home again.
    Maybe once we're in the new house I'll buy some for when my puppies (and my friend, their real owner) visit me! :)
    As a person who only has pretend ownership of a dog, I am way too excited about this dog ice cream.

    1. I can very easily show you how to make some to keep in your freezer when you know puppy guests are coming! Maybe I'll do a post on it!
